Juul is currently being sued for its deceptive marketing targeting teenagers.
JUUL has agreed to a settlement of nearly $400 million for its unethical marketing tactics targeting underage teenagers such as sweet flavors, bright colors & youth – centered ads to target teens. As a result, many young adults have suffered serious health illnesses such as Lung damage.
Juul has agreed to a settlement of nearly 400 million for its
Unethical misleading marketing.
Juul also encouraged smokers to switch to e-cigarettes based on false representation that it was safter than smoking.
If you or your underage child has suffered from JUUL usage. You might be entitled to financial compensation.
Fill out the form by clicking the link below https://3d4lldmk47y.typeform.com/to/rRrzYcn6
You will receive a call within 48hrs to discuss your potential claim.
If you qualify, you will be added to the mass tort (class action lawsuit)
Wait for a settlement and to be compensated.
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